Red Mercado y medio ambiente. Propuestas jurídicas para una economía verde.


Management Comittee

The Coordination Committee is responsible for defining the scientific objectives of the Network and for monitoring its execution. It is also responsible for accepting new research groups to join the Network, as well as for organising the Network’s events and scientific activities.

Lucía Casado Casado

Centre d’Estudis de Dret Ambiental de Tarragona Alcalde Pere Lloret (CEDAT)

Manuela Mora

Centro de Investigación de Inteligencia Territorial C3it. Universidad de Huelva

Alba Nogueira López

ARMELA. Rede de Investigación en igualdad, derechos y estado social (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela).

José Pernas García

Grupo de Investigación Derecho Público Global. Universidade da Coruña.

Ángel Ruiz de Apodaca

Derecho administrativo. Universidad de Navarra

Francisco Javier Sanz Larruga

Grupo de investigación Derecho Público Global. Universidade da Coruña.

Blanca Soro Mateo

Grupo de investigación Bioderecho. Universidad de Murcia.


The work of the Coordination Comittee is coordinated by:


The Secretariat of the ECOVER Network, located in the A Coruña Faculty of Law, supports the work of the Steering Committee and Coordination of the Network, manages the website and is responsible for the management of events organised by the Network.