Red Mercado y medio ambiente. Propuestas jurídicas para una economía verde.

Santiago Álvarez Carreño

Profesor Titular de Universidad de Murcia

Santiago Álvarez Carreño

Biographical information:
• Born in Murcia in 1968. He studied at the State School «La ANEJA» and baccalaureate at «El Carmen» college (Extraordinary prize for baccalaureate).
• Law Degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Murcia (Final Year Extraordinary Prize) in 1991. PhD in Law (PhD Extraordinary Prize and European PhD Accreditation) in 1998.
• He received a Scholarship from the Council of Europe for further studies at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) -1992/1993- and the Scholarship from the Congress of Deputies to prepare his doctoral theses in 1997.
• His working relationship with the UMU started in February 1992 as College Assistant. After holding successive contractual posts at the time, he earned the place as Head Lecturer of the University in 2001. He has taught in different subjects and at all levels of education (Degree, PhD and Master’s) in his Area.
• He has published two monographs [títulos] and has worked in many anthologies (23) and has published numerous articles in both Spanish (29) and foreign (3) journals.
Research Projects:
• He has participated in several research projects (7), three of them as main researcher.
Academic posts:
• Member of the Academic Committee of the Master’s in Technology, Management and Water Management (TAYGA) of the University of Murcia. He was Secretary (1999-2000) and Director (2007-2009) of the Department of Administrative Law at the University of Murcia.
He currently works as General Secretary of the University of Murcia.
Technical work/reports:
• He has written different legal reports. Including for the UNESCO Center for Water Law (Dundee —UK) : [título]
Other references:
• Prof. Álvarez Carreño has spoken at several national congresses and has taught classes, courses and conferences in various national and foreign universities (Germany, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Argentina). He is a member of the Spanish Association of Environmental Law (ADAME), the Spanish Association of Professors of Administrative Law (AEPDA) and researcher at the Centre for Environmental Studies at the Rovira i Virgili University in Tarragona (CEDAT).
• He has been guest lecturer at the UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science (Dundee – United Kingdom) and the Environmental Law Center of the University of Vermont (South Royalton-United States of America).